20 Lifestyle Habits To Keep Fit And Healthy!

Most people exercise to be fit and loose some of that extra fat. But what you should realize is that being lean does not mean your healthy. Your weight and waist size being in the acceptable in the social range should not be the basis of ‘healthy weight’. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for health. In addition to lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, it can also lower the risk of many different cancers. Move more, eat less. Turning off the television and skipping the sugary drinks are two ways to get started. To help you more in your journey to a better and healthier lifestyle, we compiled a list of healthy habits you start on today!

1. Practice long, slow eating.

In a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2011, researchers in New Zealand looked at the relationship 2,500 women had between their self-reported speeds of eating and their body mass indexes. For each step up in speed (on a five-step scale from very slow to very fast), BMI increased by 2.8 percent. By slowing down, you give your mind a chance to process that your body is full.

2. Go DIY

Cooking at home is much better than eating out. Aside from the money and calories it takes, cooking at home is much better because then you’ll be able to control the ingredients and portion. You can also customize it to a diet that best suits you.

3. Eat often

The golden ratio for eating healthy is 3:2, 3 healthy meals a day and 2 snacks. This means every 3 hours you’re filling yourself up with something. But be careful and mind the portion and nutritional value of your meals and snacks. “Eating more often keeps your metabolism humming, and prevents you from getting super hungry,” says Lauren Antonucci, M.S., R.D., owner of Nutrition Energy in New York City.

4. Veg and fruit-up

Aim to have fruits and vegetables make up half of each meal. “Your breakfast should be half fruit, and your lunch and dinner, half veggies,” says Cassie Dimmick, M.S., R.D., a sports dietitian and running coach in Springfield, Missouri. Snacks should have the same 50/50 ratio: think carrots and a yogurt, or string cheese and an apple.

5. Make fiber your friend

Fiber passes through your system undigested, so your body has to work harder and longer to move it out, which helps rev your metabolism and give you a feeling of fullness.

6. Eat real food

We all know what processed foods can fo to our body. Aside from the possible impurities form preservatives and such, it also

7. Pay attention

When you eat make sure you’re really hungry, more often than not we reach out for food when we?re tired, sleepy or in a downtime. Next time you feel the urge to eat, step away from your desk for a little while and chill.

8. Downsize your settings

The bigger your utensils and dishes are the bigger meals you have, so keep your dishes appropriately sized-a salad plate can easily hold a sandwich and a piece of fruit, which is a perfect lunch and take your serving dishes off the table.

9. Treat Trap

When you go on a diet it’s advisable that you reward yourself with treats to keep you sated and away from craving. But don’t over-indulge yourself. Good choices include: low-fat ice cream; bite-size cookies; single-serving-size chips; high-quality dark chocolate. ALWAYS mind the portions!

10. Eat right when hungry

Eat something with protein, carbs, and fiber like plain, fat-free Greek yogurt with a cup of berries. Don’t let yourself get too hungry or you’ll have a hard time stopping yourself from eating too much. In a study in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2011 they documented the foods and drinks that are good when you’re hungry.

  • Nuts: Great combination of unsaturated fat and filling fiber.
  • Yogurt: A good source of calcium, plus probiotics for gut health.
  • Fruits: High water content and key antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Whole Grains: Packed with B vitamins and fiber.
  • Veggies: Low calorie, lots of vitamins and nutrients, and high fiber.

11. Set reasonable expectations

Each body is different and your ideal weight can be different than what your doctor says should be your ideal weight. The only advice we can give is to follow what your doctor says. And be reasonable when setting your goal weight. It’s best to create milestones so you don’t feel like you’re taking too long reach your goal.